Linear programming - определение. Что такое Linear programming
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Что (кто) такое Linear programming - определение

Linear program; Linear programme; 0-1 integer programming; Linear Programming; Linear optimization; Mixed integer programming; Lp solve; LP problem; 0–1 integer program; 0-1 linear programming; 0-1 integer program; Linear programmer; Linear programmers; Linear programs; Binary integer programming; Integer programs; Integer linear programs; 0-1 integer programs; Binary integer program; Binary integer programs; Mixed integer program; Mixed integer programs; Linear programming problem; Mixed integer linear programming; 1-0 linear programming; Integral linear program; Linear programming formulation; Linear optimisation; Linear programming Formulation; Integral polyhedron; Linear problem; LP duality; Complementary slackness; Algorithms for linear programming; Linear programming algorithms; Applications of linear programming; List of solvers for linear programming; List of linear programming solvers; History of linear programming; MILP
  • planes]] (not shown). The linear programming problem is to find a point on the polyhedron that is on the plane with the highest possible value.
  • [[John von Neumann]]
  • [[Leonid Kantorovich]]
  • convex]] [[feasible region]] of possible values for those variables. In the two-variable case this region is in the shape of a convex [[simple polygon]].
  • A pictorial representation of a simple linear program with two variables and six inequalities. The set of feasible solutions is depicted in yellow and forms a [[polygon]], a 2-dimensional [[polytope]]. The optimum of the linear cost function is where the red line intersects the polygon. The red line is a [[level set]] of the cost function, and the arrow indicates the direction in which we are optimizing.
Найдено результатов: 2262
linear programming         
<application> A procedure for finding the maximum or minimum of a linear function where the arguments are subject to linear constraints. The simplex method is one well known algorithm. (1995-04-06)
Linear programming         
Linear programming (LP), also called linear optimization, is a method to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a mathematical model whose requirements are represented by linear relationships. Linear programming is a special case of mathematical programming (also known as mathematical optimization).
linear programming         
¦ noun a mathematical technique for maximizing or minimizing a linear function of several variables.
Linear-fractional programming         
Linear-fractional programming (LFP); Linear fractional programming
In mathematical optimization, linear-fractional programming (LFP) is a generalization of linear programming (LP). Whereas the objective function in a linear program is a linear function, the objective function in a linear-fractional program is a ratio of two linear functions.
Successive linear programming         
Successive Linear Programming; Sequential linear programming
Successive Linear Programming (SLP), also known as Sequential Linear Programming, is an optimization technique for approximately solving nonlinear optimization problems.
Multi-objective linear programming         
User:Giznej/sandbox; Draft:Multi-objective linear programming
Multi-objective linear programming is a subarea of mathematical optimization. A multiple objective linear program (MOLP) is a linear program with more than one objective function.
Nonlinear programming         
Non-linear programming; Non-Linear programming; Nonlinear optimization; Non-Linear Optimization; Non linear optimization; Applications of nonlinear programming; Methods for solving nonlinear programming problems; Nonlinear Programming
In mathematics, nonlinear programming (NLP) is the process of solving an optimization problem where some of the constraints or the objective function are nonlinear. An optimization problem is one of calculation of the extrema (maxima, minima or stationary points) of an objective function over a set of unknown real variables and conditional to the satisfaction of a system of equalities and inequalities, collectively termed constraints.
Dual linear program         
Linear programming duality; Duality (linear programming)
The dual of a given linear program (LP) is another LP that is derived from the original (the primal) LP in the following schematic way:
Linear genetic programming         
Linear tree
Linear genetic programming (LGP) is a particular subset of genetic programming wherein computer programs in a population are represented as a sequence of instructions from imperative programming language or machine language. The graph-based data flow that results from a multiple usage of register contents and the existence of structurally noneffective code (introns) are two main differences of this genetic representation from the more common tree-based genetic programming (TGP) variant.
Hilbert basis (linear programming)         
  • Hilbert basis visualization
Hilbert basis (Integer Linear Programming); Hilbert basis (linear integer programming)
The Hilbert basis of a convex cone C is a minimal set of integer vectors such that every integer vector in C is a conical combination of the vectors in the Hilbert basis with integer coefficients.


Linear programming

Linear programming (LP), also called linear optimization, is a method to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a mathematical model whose requirements are represented by linear relationships. Linear programming is a special case of mathematical programming (also known as mathematical optimization).

More formally, linear programming is a technique for the optimization of a linear objective function, subject to linear equality and linear inequality constraints. Its feasible region is a convex polytope, which is a set defined as the intersection of finitely many half spaces, each of which is defined by a linear inequality. Its objective function is a real-valued affine (linear) function defined on this polyhedron. A linear programming algorithm finds a point in the polytope where this function has the smallest (or largest) value if such a point exists.

Linear programs are problems that can be expressed in canonical form as

Find a vector x that maximizes c T x subject to A x b and x 0 . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&{\text{Find a vector}}&&\mathbf {x} \\&{\text{that maximizes}}&&\mathbf {c} ^{\mathsf {T}}\mathbf {x} \\&{\text{subject to}}&&A\mathbf {x} \leq \mathbf {b} \\&{\text{and}}&&\mathbf {x} \geq \mathbf {0} .\end{aligned}}}

Here the components of x are the variables to be determined, c and b are given vectors (with c T {\displaystyle \mathbf {c} ^{\mathsf {T}}} indicating that the coefficients of c are used as a single-row matrix for the purpose of forming the matrix product), and A is a given matrix. The function whose value is to be maximized or minimized ( x c T x {\displaystyle \mathbf {x} \mapsto \mathbf {c} ^{\mathsf {T}}\mathbf {x} } in this case) is called the objective function. The inequalities Ax ≤ b and x0 are the constraints which specify a convex polytope over which the objective function is to be optimized. In this context, two vectors are comparable when they have the same dimensions. If every entry in the first is less-than or equal-to the corresponding entry in the second, then it can be said that the first vector is less-than or equal-to the second vector.

Linear programming can be applied to various fields of study. It is widely used in mathematics and, to a lesser extent, in business, economics, and some engineering problems. Industries that use linear programming models include transportation, energy, telecommunications, and manufacturing. It has proven useful in modeling diverse types of problems in planning, routing, scheduling, assignment, and design.